Common Agenda
Coordinate and align services of agencies serving unconnected youth ages 14-25.

Click here for more Youth Thrive information
Biannual surveys conducted twice a year to all agencies and their clients

Short-term host homes are an intervention for youth who are currently experiencing homelessness for any variety of reasons, including but not limited to family conflict, poverty, gender identity and sexual orientation. The goal of short-term host homes is to provide a safe, temporary, welcoming space. The time spent in the home will be a case-by-case basis and as long as funding allows, where the young person has time to repair their relationships with self-identified family or make decisions about other housing options with the support of a caring case manager. Providing short-term host homes are a cost-effective and successful model for preventing youth homelessness in a wide range of cases.
For more information about this work group, please contact Connor Wilburn