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Excellence in Early Childhood Conference

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Session Descriptions
ELG Health & Physical: (License Required Option)
This workshop provides information to support young children's learning in the domain of math. Objectives:
● To discover the Developmental Sequence of Children’s learning in the domains of Health & Physical
● To examine the differences between gross (Large) and Fine (Small) motor development
● To discover strategies to support both gross and fine motor development
● To discover ways to promote independent practices for Health/Safety
● To examine how the environment supports Health and physical development
● To explore ways to promote independent practices for personal care and nutrition
ELG Creative Arts: (Licensed Required Option)
This workshop provides information to support young children's learning in the domain of approaches to learning. Objectives:
● To explore creativity in early childhood
● To examine development related to creative arts
● To explore music and visual arts in early childhood
● To discover ways children express themselves through Creative Arts
● To explore movement and dramatic play in Creative Arts
● To examine the role of materials and the environment in Creative Arts
Safe With You: (License Required Option)
Do you know how to reduce the risk of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and prevent accidental suffocation? Do you know the safest way to put a baby to sleep? Do you have a safe sleep policy? If you answered NO to any of these questions, this workshop is for you. Everyone is at risk of shaking a baby. When a baby is shaken, the shaking can cause brain damage, life-changing disabilities, and even death. This is one childhood injury that is preventable. Child abuse and neglect unfortunately
happens in Nebraska. Child care providers need to know about child abuse and neglect, how to make a report, ways to strengthen families, and how to prevent child abuse in their own childcare programs.
Behaviors and Observations:
During our time we will look at the four functions of behavior, how to use observations to increase our understanding of behavior and the importance of partnering with families throughout the process.
Taking the Lead: (Directors)
Being the director of a childcare program can be rewarding and challenging. This session will guide you through setting the stage for creating a vision and expectations for your program.
Read for Joy:
This training will:
-enhance parent involvement in learning
-show how the child’s brain develops
-characteristics of home and school environments that produce effective readers
-strategies for using literature effectively with children